This series will publish accessible, engaging books on science and technology in support of movements for justice and sustainability around the world. We seek submissions by scholars from a wide range of disciplines internationally and are especially interested in publishing:
- Historical and social science research on social and political activism in science, technology, and/or medicine and on the impact of new technologies on activism
- Critical histories of science, technology, or medicine that aid in understanding issues of current political relevance
- Applications of STS (science and technology studies) theory to support social movements and/or to reconstruct technoscience along activist lines
- Critical studies in the political economy of science, technology, and/or medicine
- Biographies, oral histories, and memoirs of activist scientists
Series Editor
Sigrid Schmalzer
University of Massachusetts Amherst
[email protected]
Editorial Advisory Board
Alexandra Adams, Managing Editor, Science for the People
Michaelann Bewsee, Community Organizing, Arise for Social Justice Springfield
Sarah Bridger, History, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Hsin-hsing Chen, Social Transformation Studies, Shih-Hsin University
Giovanna Di Chiro, Environmental Studies, Swarthmore
Ron Eglash, Science and Technoloy Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Steven Epstein, Sociology, Northwestern University
Alan Goodman, Anthropology, Hampshire College
Evelynn Hammonds, History of Science, Harvard University
David Hess, Sociology, Vanderbilt University
Susan Lindee, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
Brian Martin, Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong
Clapperton Mavhunga, STS, MIT
Philip Mirowski, Economics and Policy Studies and History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame
Kelly Moore, Sociology, Loyola University
Naomi Oreskes, History of Science, Harvard University
Robert Proctor, History, Stanford University
Hilary Rose, Sociology, University of Bradford
Steven Rose, Biology, Open University
Banu Subramaniam, Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies, UMass Amherst
Abha Sur, STS, MIT
Alexis Takahashi, Activism, Free Rads (
Manuscript Submissions
Please direct manuscript inquiries to the series editor or to:
Matt Becker, Editor in Chief
University of Massachusetts Press
East Experiment Station
671 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
[email protected]