When I say heart
Heart of Lion, Heart of Light
Once upon America
Spawning Season
When I say heart
Flood Coming
Selfie as Elly the Doll
Winter Correspondence
Superman and Batman Sleepover
Little Red and Little Red
When I say heart
we carved our names
All I know of white
When I say heart I mean
Paradise by the Paulding Light
Home Perm
Canticle of Waitresses, Waiting
A Moth
When I say heart I mean
After the Funeral, Aunt Sally Tells a Story We’ve Never Heard Before
The wolf in the trailer,
Confession of the Lessee
When I say heart I mean
My Brush
Psalm with Pleather Teddy Bears
In the Women’s Hospital
When I write heart I mean
Elegy with Lake Effect
In Favor of Defenestration
Lake Astronomy
Letter to My Teenaged Self: You Are a House, You Are a Hammer, You’re the Momentum of the Nail
When I say thumping mitral floor I mean
Heroic Origin
Selfie as What Breaks
In the Absence of Sparrows, I Learned to Stop Hearing Sparrows
Happily Ever After
Whenever I say heart I mean