CRISTIANA BASTOS, (CUNY 1996) is an anthropologist based at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. She has lectured in different graduate programs in Portugal, Brazil, and the United States, most frequently at Brown University under the sponsorship of the Luso-American Development Foundation. Her interests lie with the intersections and mutual productions of society, knowledge, and power, and most of her work is at the confluence of anthropology, history, and science studies; in the last few years she has addressed Portuguese colonialism in Asia and Africa through the study of its health institutions. Her publications include Global Responses to AIDS-Science in Emergency (Indiana UP, 1999) and a number of articles on the topics of colonialism, medicine, and displacement, published in journals such as Análise Social, Etnográfica, História, Ciências Saúde-Manguinhos, Journal of Romance Studies, Journal of Southern African Studies, International Migration, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, and Horizontes Antropológicos.